The purpose of my life, what I am here to give is to be wonderful.

I will sing, read, write and paint as if my life depends on it – because it does!

I will play.

        I stand for making music with all the colours left in.

I stand for creating a new word which would tear me open,

        making us all capable of anything.

I stand for painting out of a spirit of wonder, of miracles in the making,

        and for the re-enchantment of our world.

        I stand for having my life be used by questions such as:

1) what if we begin today

    to develop an unassailable and majestic sense of our own value?

2) how much love can you stand in your life?

3) what if a painting could show you what your soul looks like?

        One of the tasks I have set myself is to bring love to your life

        such that you say you’ll never ever get over it.         

        I stand for being the conversation you say

        most profoundly shifted the quality of your day.

                           My epitaph reads:

                           You are loved.



<% on error resume next 'to avoid any errors when opening a file that is not there err = 0 'this would only happen the first time though dim objFS, fleHits 'optionally we could create the initial file by hand Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set fleHits = objFS.OpenTextFile(server.mappath("hitsFile.txt"),1) if isObject(fleHits) then currentHits = fleHits.ReadLine if isNumeric(currentHits) then currentHits = clng(currentHits) else currentHits = 0 end if else currentHits = 0 end if fleHits.Close 'now we have the current hits currentHits = cstr(currentHits + 1) 'we convert it to a string for processing later. 'save the new hit amount to file Set fleHits = objFS.CreateTextFile(server.mappath("hitsFile.txt") ,True) fleHits.writeLine cstr(currentHits) fleHits.close set objFs=nothing 'response.write "
" 'alternatively we could just print out the results: 'response.write currentHits %>